what to expect from exams at dancing academy!

Each year Dancing Academy aim to have examinations and performance assessments for all students who would like to take part. Dancing Academy offer all students the opportunity to take exams & awards in each of the dance genres we offer. Exams & awards are not compulsory but we find many students enjoy taking these to show the progress they are making in their dance training and give them a reward for their achievement such as a certificate, medal and report card.

We offer two different types of examinations.

Graded syllabus examinations with the ISTD and RAD and Performance medal assessments with the UKA.


  • Dancing Academy exams are by invite only and when your child is ready to sit an exam Dancing Academy will send an exam invite email to you.

  • If you wish your child to undertake the exam you MUST respond to the email invite to secure your child’s place for the examination.

  • If we do not receive a response to the email by the requested date then we will assume you do not wish for your child to take part in the exam. Exams are not compulsory.

  • Due to the strict nature of the examination timetable submission and payment to the awarding bodies we will be unable to accept late entries under any circumstance.


  • Please arrive at the studio or allocated venue one hour before the exam time.

  • If you are running late please do let us know by calling or texting us on 07427832996.

  • All exam dates and times for the day will be sent to parents/carers in advance of the exam day.

  • Exam fees must be paid in full four weeks prior to to undertaking the exam.

  • DA teachers will prepare students hair for them on the day of exam so parents do not need to do exam hair before arriving on the day.

  • Parents can opt to do students hair before arriving at the studio but please ensure that hair is styled according to the correct requirements for the exam day and genre of dance.

  • Parents are unable to wait in the building while exams are in progress.

  • Students should be collected 15 mins after your exam finish time which will have been detailed in the email you received with the timetable for the day.

  • Occasionally exam sessions may run ahead of schedule or late. We will keep anyone affected informed on the day if needed.

  • If your exam falls on a school day the ISTD have provided a useful letter for schools to explain the requested absence which can be found by clicking here.


  • Correct uniform and correct dance shoes for the exam your child is undertaking. If you need clarification on this please email us for further details.

  • Hair Kit which should include for all genres hair pins and grips, hair net, brush, hair elastics and product to secure hair such as hairspray, mouse or gel.

  • For very short hair a dance hair band matching the genre uniform should be purchased to secure hair away from the face. Hair pins, grips, brush and product will still be required.

  • A bottle of water sufficient for the length of time your child is at the exam venue.

  • For students undertaking more than one exam or where required please bring a snack.

  • Please bring any medications that may be required.

  • Please bring something to go over the top of exam uniform such as a DA zip up hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or similar to avoid any spills etc going on uniform and to keep students warm.

  • Please do not bring any fizzy drinks or lot’s of sweets.


  • We offer examinations for our Ballet, Tap & Modern genres with the following awarding bodies: The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD), Cecchetti Society and The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD).

  • The above awarding bodies are some of the world’s leading dance examination boards.

  • As a guide it can take approximately 18 months to 2 years to move from one grade to the next. It is very important that attendance is consistent when preparing for an exam, pupils will be offered extra classes in the weeks leading up to their exams to help each them achieve their full potential.

  • Pupils are assessed externally by visiting examiners recruited and trained by the ISTD by the relevant dance awarding body.

  • All examination results are go through a quality control process with the dance awarding body before being released.

  • Grade 6 and Vocational exams are eligible for UCAS points.

  • Each graded syllabus exam requires our students to show a set number of set exercises followed by unset work, amalgamations, theory and a dance solo. The amount of work and technical detail increases throughout the grades.

  • ISTD & RAD examiners are highly trained and follow strict quality assurance procedures. Each student is marked against a set of assessment criteria specific to that examination.

  • As well as assessing the set syllabus work the examiner will also be assessing the following areas of work below.

  • At Grades 1 to 3 you will be able to:

    Coordinate simple movements to produce a combination of steps

    Respond sensitively to music

    Perform with confidence before an audience

  • At Grades 4 to 5 you will be able to:

    Demonstrate an increased range of movements in longer and more complex sequences

    Show an increased sensitivity to music

    Perform with increased confidence before an audience

  • At Grades 6 to 8 you will be able to:

    Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of dance movements

    Interpret music sensitively in performance

    Perform with confidence and self-awareness

  • We also offer Performance Assessments for Street, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Latin & Ballroom, Ballet, Tap & Modern.

  • There are several levels for Performance Assessments starting with Preparatory (Princess or Pirate Award) and moving through Pre-Bronze, Bronze, Bronze Bar, Silver, Silver Bar and Gold.

  • Performance Assessments are examined by a professionally trained and qualified examiner from the UKA.

  • Students prepare shorter performance routines to dance for the examiner and depending on what level the exam can be 1, 2 or 3 dances, singing or drama routines. We provide these different options to hopefully suit everyone’s taste and needs. Many of our students like to take a medal award in between preparing for longer syllabus exams but overall, the examination purpose and process should be an enjoyable experience for all who take part.


  • Each examination awarding body has its own set examination fees to cover the cost of external examiner visits, marking and producing reports and certificates. That fee increases on a sliding scale as the grade increases.

  • Additionally the exam fee also includes charges for a pianist/music operator for the day, examiner sustenance for the day and charges for building usage on the day.

  • An email with exam fees are sent prior to the exam with a payment to book the exam.


  • Following the exam the examiners marks and results will be reviewed by the dance awarding body and will then go through a quality assurance process.

  • This process can take up to 8 weeks to be completed.

  • Once this has been completed your results form listing the marks you've been awarded and certificate will be sent to Dancing Academy.

  • Dancing Academy will then hand out all results forms and certificates in an envelope for students to take home.

    Exams provide opportunity for students to achieve recognition for their hard work and have fun. Exams offer a goal to work towards while receiving recognition from some of the world's largest examining bodies. We have always found exams to be a positive and enjoyable experience!